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Posibility of booking less nights (according to season)
Late check-out if available (confirmation on the work-day before check-out)
Early Check-In if available (confirmation on the work-day before check-in)
House selection if available (cost of 25€ per day)
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Holidays off the main tourist track
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It will take you to a selection of available houses with the number of people chosen
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These houses are available for direct booking

We recommend you have sustainable break here for your holidays in our Casas bioclimáticas ITER. Located facing the sea and next to the Natural Monument “Montaña Pelada”, they constitute a self-sufficient bioclimatic urbanization with zero CO2 emissions. A unique enclave that invites tranquility and calm away from the usual tourist circuits.
Participate in the experience of living in constructions of the future, in unique designs of great architectural interest located within a technological park and at the foot of a wind farm. Enjoy services and activities in accordance with the spirit of respect for the environment and local customs. If you wish, you can combine rest with work or training using our Visitor Center.
A perfect option for lovers of the environment and renewable energy, enjoying maximum comfort with minimal environmental impact, making sustainable commitment an integral part of our vacational breaks.

Sun and wind are the main sources of natural energy used in the “Casas bioclimáticas ITER”, thanks to which the generation of waste is avoided. Energy is generated by use of thermal and photovoltaic solar panels and wind turbines.
In addition “Casas bioclimáticas ITER” have been designed taking into account the local climatic conditions and available resources (sun, wind, water, vegetation) so as to reduce energy consumption and minimize CO2 emissions. With this in mind, solar radiation is used inside the houses due to a careful placement of the windows so as to follow the sun’s path, contributing to heat and visible light. Moreover the orientation and thickness of the walls make use of the sun’s thermal inertia. Air-flow is used inside the houses with passive systems as heat dissipaters, which improve the natural circulation of the air.
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Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías
Renovables, S.A. (ITER, S.A.)
Polígono industrial de Granadilla, s/n
38600 - Granadilla de Abona
Santa Cruz de Tenerife - España
+34 922 747 758
+34 922 747 700